Following CDC recommendations of eliminating gatherings of over 50 people and restricting even smaller groups for health safety now and in the coming weeks to prevent the spread of illness, church leaders have decided the following for the well being of our community:

  • WORSHIP – PLEASE STAY HOME and participate in worship through streaming online or listening on the radio. This means we are NOT gathering in person on Good Friday or Sundays.
  • ONLY those involved in leading Sunday worship, music, or streaming should be physically present.
  • MINISTRY CONTINUES – Although church group meetings in person are cancelled, groups might consider other ways to stay connected.
  • CONNECTION – our Health Cabinet is coordinating phone calls with home bound and isolated members.
  • CHURCH OFFICE will be staffed Mon-Thu 9-2 to continue coordinating our shared ministry.
  • ABUNDANCE – offerings through automatic withdrawal, giving online, and commitments in the mail are part of worship, express God’s amazing grace, and enable us to fully fund our ministries.
  • IN-PERSON MEETINGS SUSPENDED – The following in-person church group gatherings have been suspended: Coffee Hour Sundays, First Word Bible Study, Lent Wednesdays, Book Club, Men in Mission, Confirmation, Sunday School, Adult Forum, WELCA Circle meetings, Religion & Science, Earth Harmony, Health Cabinet. Group members are encouraged to stay connected.

THANK YOU for your understanding, prayers and action in being the Body of Christ for the sake of all.

PRAYER Merciful God, you knit your people together in one communion through our baptism into Christ and the presence of your Holy Spirit. Be with us these days when gathering as a whole congregation is not possible. Unite us with all who are participating through radio and video, and worshiping in spirit. When we must be apart for reasons of safety, we trust that you surround us with your sheltering wings. Come to us behind closed doors with your peace, and calm our fears with your love. Encourage us in connecting as we are able, reaching out to neighbors in need and being persistent in prayer; in the name of Jesus, our constant companion. Amen.