Welcome to Worship
Worship is central to our life as people of God. Through word and sacrament, the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – meets us in self-giving love, renews us in grace, calls us in mission, and empowers us for lives of compassion, justice, and service in the world. We worship God in the proclamation of God’s word and administration of the sacraments and through lives of prayer, praise, thanksgiving and witness.
Gloria Dei’s single worship service on Sunday has retained a traditional liturgical character, though worship planners incorporate a variety of instruments into worship regularly, and a worship band plays an alternative liturgy once a month.
Our Sunday Schedule
Wherever you are on the journey, you are welcome at Gloria Dei
8:45 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Forum
10:00 a.m. Worship & Holy Communion
See Livestream Details Below
From Our Home to Yours
Since 1942, Gloria Dei has broadcast its worship service live on WDSM Radio – AM 710 or 98.1 FM. This is the longest running live broadcast of a worship service on the same station in the State of Minnesota. We continue to be thankful for the radio as an instrument to spread the good news of God’s love in Christ Jesus for all people and now have other ways to connect with our community as well.

Stream via Boxcast
Works in browsers and smart TVs

Live Stream via Facebook
Works across multiple devices

Listen on the Radio
Sundays, WDSM AM710 or 98.1 FM
We’re very glad to have you in worship we would like to get to know you better. Please sign our guest book in the foyer and join us downstairs afterward for coffee and refreshments. Here at Gloria Dei… all are welcome.
We practice open communion – all are welcome at Christ’s table. We believe our Lord Jesus invites all to come into his unseen but real presence as he offers himself freely in, with, and under the bread and wine. Those not communing may come forward to receive a blessing. To have communion at your seat, please inform an usher. Gl
Children are gifts of God and are welcome in worship at all times. All children are welcome to come forward for the children’s message, and parents can feel free to accompany them. Following the children’s message, a nursery attendant is available in the narthex (back) of the church to meet any parents and children (usually 5 and under) who would like to use the nursery. If an attendant is not available, parents may feel free to use the nursery on their own.
Wheelchair access to the building and sanctuary is available. For worship, use the 6th Avenue East entrance. There is a parking lane for this purpose closest to the building. The elevator is in the Hillside Room beneath the sanctuary in the northeast corner. For the church offices and Community Room, enter through the parking lot door on the Lakeside of the building. Large print bulletins are also available from an usher.
God welcomes children and adults to receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, a once and for all covenant of grace through which the Holy Spirit shapes our identity and purpose as people of God. Baptisms are planned in advance with the pastor and take place during the Sunday worship service or the Easter Vigil.
Each week as we face the baptismal font for confession and absolution, or in thanksgiving for the gift of baptism, we remember God’s eternal promises of forgiveness, salvation, and new life.
Call the church office if you would like would like to have a Sunday bulletin sent to you. The Radio Ministry also has the capability to make a CD of any of the worship services that have been especially meaningful to you or your family.
Learn More about Gloria Dei