Children & Youth
Children & Youth
All children are welcome at Gloria Dei’s Sunday School. We meet Sunday mornings from September – May from 8:45-9:35 a.m. in the Community Room, visible just inside the parking lot entrance. We have class groupings for all ages from pre-school through senior high. Before meeting separately, we gather for our opening at 8:45 (with parents, too) that includes singing and an introduction to the theme of that particular Sunday or season of the church year. Depending on the age group, the focus is on Bible stories and crafts, or that Sunday’s scripture readings in light of today.
On the first or second Sunday of the month, September – May, we gather with adults for Intergenerational Sunday School. Meeting in the Hillside Room, on the level beneath the sanctuary, this intergenerational time includes singing, bible stories, dramas, crafts, and conversations, intended to equip parents (and other adults) and kids with materials and tools to practice faith at home during the week. We usually choose a biblical theme for the year, with a different sub-theme for each month.
VBS is a fun, faith-filled week of mornings in late July or early August. Together with Trinity Lutheran Church, we come together for bible stories, singing, dramas, crafts, and outdoor games for children pre-school through grade 5.
The age when children begin to receive Holy Communion varies among Christian denominations and even different Lutheran churches, from infants to confirmation age. At Gloria Dei, we believe that all are welcome at the Table of the Lord. At the same time, we find it beneficial for young children and their parents to have some instruction about the sacrament, especially when they begin asking questions about it, or express the desire to receive it. Parents often know when the time seems right for their children and prior to that are encouraged to bring children forward for a blessing during communion. First communion instruction for children and their parents is offered when needed. Please let Pastor Carlson know if you are interested.
“Oasis” is the mid-week confirmation and senior high faith formation program Gloria Dei conducts in partnership with Trinity Lutheran Church. We meet each Wednesday 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Trinity (11th grade and up) focuses on Luther’s Small Catechism and bible study, and confirmation is held in the fall. After confirmation, senior high youth meet for faith conversations, peer mentoring, and service in the community and world. This joint youth group also gathers periodically for summer activities.
As part of the Northeastern Minnesota Synod, ELCA, Gloria Dei youth participate with youth from around northeastern Minnesota in the Junior High Gathering (fall) and Senior High Gathering (winter). These gatherings involve worship, bible study, service, food, and friendship with youth from other Lutheran churches in the area. Also, every few years, our youth attend the ELCA National Youth Gathering. Information about these can be found at
Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry provides opportunities for Christ-centered spiritual growth, leadership development, and outreach in God’s great Northwoods.
It is an outdoor ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) that provides a variety of year-round and summer programs out of 2 sites in Northeastern Minnesota: Camp Vermilion and Camp Hiawatha. No matter what our age, participating in outdoor ministry – church camp – can significantly impact faith. Gloria Dei encourages kids and families sign up for a week of camp this year! This is a wonderful ministry Gloria Dei supports with an annual financial commitment. In addition, we provide camperships to help reduce the cost for all participants registering through Gloria Dei. More information can be found at
Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here!
Growing in Faith