Our Journey of Discipleship
Nurture members in the Word of God so as to grow in faith and hope and love, to see daily life as the primary setting for the exercise of our Christian calling, and to use our gifts of the spirit for our life together and for our calling in the world.
Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here!
Growing in Faith

At Gloria Dei, we often say this before worship starts, and we mean it. Life is a journey, and faith is a journey. The Psalms speak of God who traces our journeys and resting places and is acquainted with all our ways (Psalm 139). Disciples encounter Jesus on the road, and, although they don’t recognize him at first, he listens to them talk, he opens their minds to understand scripture, and they recognize him in the breaking of the bread (Luke 24).
As disciples of Jesus, our Lord and Shepherd, our faith grows in dialogue with everyday life, encountering and sharing the Word of God in written, spoken, and tangible ways. At Gloria Dei, we hope you will find a listening atmosphere receptive to your seeking, and pray that the God revealed in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit will renew your faith and life.
Throughout this journey you are welcome…
- To ask questions – any question is welcome!
- To share your journey – and your hopes for the future.
- To participate in worship and hear God’s Word with us – God is still speaking!
- To grow in your baptismal identity and calling – as a child of God
- To receive Holy Communion – all are welcome at Christ’s table!
- To practice your faith with us – pray, worship, study, serve, encourage, give, invite.
The church is the people of God on a journey. We journey together, we journey with God. No matter how young or old we are, Jesus meets us on our journey and strengthens us through the gifts of Word and Sacrament.